Dayton 1984 patch dynamics

Evidence for persistent patch structure on temperate reefs. An evaluation of experimental analyses of population and community patterns in benthic marine environments. Disturbance is part of the dynamics of kelp forests which would otherwise fully occupy space e. Largescale, lowfrequency oceanographic effects on kelp. Patch dynamics and stability of some california kelp communities pk dayton, v currie, t gerrodette, bd keller, r rosenthal, dv tresca ecological monographs 54 3, 253289, 1984. Keoughdisturbance and patch dynamics of subtidal marine animals on hard substrata. The direct effects of increasing co2 and temperature on. While it has become accepted that rocky reefs support mosaics of patches of different habitats see sousa, 1984, the mechanisms underlying the arrangement of these patterns are poorly understood. The study sites offer a crossshore transect through the central part of a large kelp forest at depths of 8, 12, 15, 18, and 21 m. This paper considers three concepts of stability as they relate to the dynamics of distinctive patch types of algal canopy. Patch stability was evaluated with regard to the persistence of patches already well established in 19711972. Although the occurrence and subsequent spread of the alga has been well documented, the processes underpinning establishment and spread remain poorly understood.

Here we compare the fates of the 2 post disturbance algal communities, or 2 cohorts, under condltions determined by largescale, low frequency oceanographic events. We recognize that it is not so much the direct effects of climate stressors on kelp forests that may affect their future abundance, but rather the indirect loss of kelp via their competitors or inhibitors. This approach has been used by steele 1989, 1991a and by dayton and tegner 1984. Patch dynamics and stability of some california kelp communities.

Emergent properties are often discussed in arguments concerning relationships among different levels. Patch dynamics and stability of some california kelp communities article pdf available in ecological monographs 543. Rocky reefs are subject to a range of biological and physical disturbances that influence community structure dayton, 1975, paine and levin, 1981, dayton et al. Dayton, pk, currie v, gerrodette t, keller bd, rosenthal r, ventresca d.

Patch dynamics and stability of some california kelp. Inhibition of kelp recruitment by turfing algae and. Although it is often implicit that we are referring to broadscale changes, resilience can apply at the local patch scale as well as the regional scale dayton et al. Patch dynamics and stability of some california kelp communities authors. We have developed a population model for the giant kelpmacrocystis pyrifera l. Succession and population dynamics of the competitive domnant kelp. This is opposite to that described here, where dictyotalean algae inhibited the recruitment of kelp despite the removal of the algae. The density of each stage is predicted on a monthly basis for up to 20 yr, and extinction probability is determined for. Recent work involving canopy manipulations has demonstrated that disturbance to the native algal canopy facilitates. Emergent and effective properties in ecology and evolution. Pdf patch dynamics and stability of some california kelp.

The asian kelp undaria pinnatifida has recently invaded the coastlines of several countries across both hemispheres. In experiments similar to this one, chapman 1984 and dayton et al 1984 found that the removal of red turfing algae led to enhanced recruitment of kelps. A stagestructured, stochastic population model for the. Pk dayton, v currie, t gerrodette, bd keller, r rosenthal, dv tresca. Temporal and spatial patterns of disturbance and recovery. Inhibition of kelp recruitment by turfing algae and consequences for. A stagestructured, stochastic population model for the giant kelp. We start by exploring some consequences of marine and terrestrial. The patch dynamics and patch mosaic approaches applied to disturbed systems dayton and tegner 1984. Physical disturbances in an australian kelp community.

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